INVESTIGATION 1: What was the Black Death and how did it affect people?
Imagine you have to do a presentation to a class who know nothing about the Black Death. You have to be clear and interesting. You have to answer the following questions:
What was the Black Death? Where did it come from? What did it do to people? How did it spread? What caused it? What did people think caused it at the time? How did people deal with it?
Here are some links to start with:
Black Death presentation
Plague booklet
You could also learn more about the Black Death by playing this game:
Fling the teacher!
You can find work done by students and other resources at the gmhistory7 wiki .There are some great investigations by Tashan and Henna.
It's up to you how to present your findings. A slideshow? A poster? A comic strip? A piece of writing? Whatever you choose, aim for clarity and maximum impact...