INVESTIGATION 2: The Plague returns.
The Black Death killed two and a half million people in England. It wasn't the last time we were hit by plague, though. Plagues hit this country many times. One of the most famous was the Great Plague of London in 1665. Over 300 years had passed between the Black Death and the Great Plague.
The Great Plague
London Plague 1665
Lord Mayor's Rules
Pepys' Diary
Extracts from the Diary
Your task is to compare the two and reach an answer to this question:
Did people in 1665 react to the plague in the same way as they did in 1349? If so, why? If not, why not?
You can post your answer to this blog if you like, or write in your book, or wordprocess your answer. Remember to back up your points with evidence. You can find work done by students and other resources at the gmhistory7 wiki . There are some great investigations by Tashan and Henna.